Category Archives: Uncategorized

Love this Clean Air Dude!

Hey ya! Sitting in my Honolulu hotel room (that was so generously gifted to GPG for my stay and thanks to Hawaiian airlines for gifting me the flight) thanks to the TEDxHonolulu organizers- it was an inspirational day. My heart is full- a recharge this green power girl so needed to keep on! And happy to have new friends Gabriel Yanagihara and Peter Justeson– passionate and brilliant Gamers- just the energy the planet needs right now.

I really have to thank my Grandma and Sesame Street for fostering that place early on where I could dream and imagine anything. I dont think I could have created GPG or any of the GPHero characters without giving big cred to the King of Green- Kermit the Frog. As a 5 year old I loved Kermie and my heart sang along and ached with him as he sang, “It’s not that easy being green….but as tall as a tree” meant something to me. That thing, being green was and is good enough and thats what Kermit taught me. Green is good enough, a very important lesson indeed. It was his power as a mere frog who often expressed his vulnerabilities that made him real. So tonight, when he and Ms. Piggy were nominated for their Oscar, it brought that old 5 year old sense of joy right back, and…

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Just a GPG reminder for the day 😉

A while ago a friend of mine Nelson Denman a true earth lover coined the term Planet CPR – Conservation, Preservation and Restoration. When I read about this superfund site Gowanus Canal to Become “Sponge Park” for Storm Water Runoff A truly sensible solution and a better alternative than million of gallons of storm water draining into our oceans with all the muck form the city streets. I got so excited and remembered Nelson’s Planet CPR. Thanks Nels!

Love this project in Kenya using reclaimed metal to build wind turbines! Wow… Reminds me of William Kamkwamba the boy who harnessed the wind and the inspiration behind Jah Wind Power People bringing the power to the people! Awesome – now go give em $10 or $50

Ok I hate to stoop to blogging about farts but I thought this was really interesting. My mom sent me an article about a 6th grader who won a rotary speech contest based on her research about the gas we all know and love. Turns out I learned some stuff. Like: Farts are made up of the following: Nitrogen, the main ingredient making up 59 percent; next behind is hydrogen at 21 percent; 9 percent carbon dioxide; 7 percent methane, 3 percent oxygen and 1 percent other stuff. Here are the top 10 farter’s: Here are the top 10 farter’s: 1. Termites 2. Camels 3. Zebras and my pony Free 4. Sheep 5. Cows6. Elephants 7. Labradors and retrievers 8. Humans (vegetarians) 9. Humans (non-vegetarians) 10. Gerbils (also known as the desert rat)    

Hey Everyone! Thanks for checking out the new website and my very first blog entry! Wanna thank Al for putting together an awesome site and getting me up too high tech speed. Finally GPG can be viewed on the iphone! Ya! So the most exciting thing happening for GPG will be on the stage at TEDxHonololu on 11.1.11. I have 8 minutes to talk about the last 11 years being GPG- wish me luck and tune in! (Think I will be on in the last quarter of the day around 3-4pm HST- that stands for Hawaiian-Aleutian Standard Time) The event will be live streamed all day and there will be some great speakers. Ever heard Jake Shimabukuro tear it up on the Uke? Mostly I am honored to have a chance (even a short one) to share why I have chosen or rather why I have been chosen to be…

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